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January 1, 2023

Al Jazira Takaful

The marketing department and executives at Al Jazira Takaful have reached out to us with a request to develop a comprehensive marketing campaign aimed…

  • Strategy

    360 Digital Marketing Campaign

  • Design

    Art Direction

  • Client

    Al Jazira Takaful

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August 18, 2022

Mr Depannage

We are proud to have delivered a visually stunning and distinct website for our client, meticulously designed to align with their specific needs and…

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    Website Dev, and UI/UX Design

  • Client

    Mr Depannage

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We’ve been asked to create visually appealing content for Audi’s social to captivate their users and showcase their brand new lineup in Egypt.

  • Strategy

    Content Creation, Social Strategy

  • Client


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June 3, 2022


We’re thrilled to have created a unique and captivating website for our client, tailored to meet their specific goals and requirements. Our strategic approach…

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    Website Dev and UI/UX Design

  • Client


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